✅ Quick Tip: Cypress._.repeat

animation illustration GIF by Julie Winegard

Most days, with words and with code, you don’t want to repeat yourself. You want your code to be DRY and your tests fast.

Recently, I needed to check a large set of text against the character count in a field. In conjunction with Cypress and Faker, I can do that. But, the text set I needed was a lot. And, my normal practice of cy.get("[data-testid='text-field']").type(message); wasn’t going to cut it.


Use Cypress._.repeat to create extensive text in a text field

const message = faker.lorem.sentence(6);const text = Cypress._.repeat(message, 20);cy.get("[data-testid='text-field']").type(text, { delay: 0 });

So, what’s happening here?

Let’s start from the beginning.

We know we can type using Faker and Cypress. As more text is added with Faker, the longer a test takes. I needed about 120 words to add in a text field. Using Cypress and Faker, this would take about, oh, say…

18 seconds of test time.

Not good.

Looking for solutions, I came across Gleb Bahmutov’s recipe for creating long text. While I’d seen Cypress’ use of Lodash, I didn’t understand its use. His example provided context and gave insight for writing my test.

And, what is Lodash? Well, I found an excellent answer on Reddit.

Okay! I added Cypress._.repeat and still found myself with a bit of a problem.

The test was still so slow! I needed more.

Cypress offers a delay option when typing and as Sam Lawrence points out, this action is less like a user type and more like a copy and paste. But, once added…

it was enough. Yes. Nine seconds is a lot for one test. But this test is far faster than if I was manually testing it.

Do you see ways I could improve this? What’s your experience with Cypress._.repeat? Would love to hear about your experience!

Till next time…

Animation Illustration GIF by Julie Winegard


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